Interval: TYPOPASS.

Critical design and conceptual typography.

Attila Cosovan, Kai Bernau, Andreas Fogarasi, Dejan Krsic, Tibor Kálmán, Lajos Kassák, László Moholy-Nagy, Montage (edited by Florian Pumhösl), Boris Ondreicka, Gábor Palotai, Gábor Papp, Plágium 2000, Katarina Sevic, Société Réaliste, Mladen Stilinovic, SZAF (Judit Fischer, Miklós Mécs), Ziga Testen, Modern Hungarian typographyhistory – complied by Márton Orosz, Artist publications from Poland (Stefan Themerson, Andrzej Partum, Jan Berdyszak, Jaroslaw Kozlowski, Stanislaw Drózdz, Zygmunt PioTrowski, Fabryka, Tango, Luxus and others) selected and lent by Piotr Rypson, Viktor Kótun’s selection of artist publications from the collection of Artpool Research Center, and further publications

The October show of the Interval series turns to the overlaps of contemporary visual art and design, focusing in particular on typography as a visual language. Co-organized with, the international exhibit will have three venues: Labor, Dorottya Gallery and Platán Gallery.

How does critical design emerge, this attempt to counter consumer culture with a socially critical consciousness, with the intention not only to serve customers, but also to shape visual culture, even the whole of culture and society? A utopian approach to design first appeared in the modernist movements, questioning the ornamental function of design and lining it up for social/political goals. The sixties and seventies saw the appearance of anti-design; as a means of expressing a critical attitude, more and more artists turned to amateur, DIY solutions. Today, the design elements that were originally created out of political and social commitment have become freely interchangeable stylistic elements, devices of marketing, making the political decoding and conscious use of the diverse visual idioms as the possible avenue for the critical approach. The exhibition presents the historical and contemporary projects and publications from the boundary of design and the visual arts in three groups: Typographical utopias, Anti- and Parallel Design, Subversive design.

The three-part display will be accompanied by programmes, further information on which can be found at and – The Tranzit contemporary art event is supported by Erste Bank Group. The exhibition and the event series are part of the international project Art Always Has Its Consequences, which receives a grant from the Culture 2007 programme of the European Union.

2009. October 14. - November 15.
2009. September 30. - November 8.
Previous exhibition

Markus Schinwald: Pocket History

2009. November 25. - December 20.
Next exhibition

Interval: AD HOC (ET NUNC)