"YOU’LL BRING THE DEATH OF ME"Bizottság Goes to Kunsthalle

3 September – 13 November 2011

A. E. Bizottság was one of the most influential bands of 1980’s Hungarian counter-culture. It was established by a group of self-taught artists who grew out of the Varga Lajos Studio in Szentendre. Following the principle “anything can be art, life itself is art,” they performed an ironic transgression of the traditional border-lines of the genres of fine art and music, and produced works resisting the ideologically laden expectations of the official canon of the time. They became a political factor without ever touching any matter of politics, they became successful musicians without any professional musical education, and they set new directions for Hungarian alternative culture without ever intending to set or determine any direction for anybody. The history of Bizottság goes far beyond itself and its historical time: the artistic activity of its members is as aesthetically authentic and powerful today as it was a quarter of a century ago. The present exhibition of Kunsthalle attempts first and foremost to present this artistic power, mainly through the works of Wahorn András, fe Lugossy László and ef Zámbó István.
2011. September 3. - November 13.

Kunsthalle, Budapest

2011. September 1. - November 13.
Previous exhibition

"I could be kamikaze"

2011. September 6. - December 13.
Next exhibition

Bizottság Film Club